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my eleusis


General - 09.12.21

The torches of Demeter

The antithesis of light and shadow defines the path of Demeter and Persephone to a great degree in t…

General - 03.12.21

Persephone’s pomegranate

The pomegranate belongs to the essential symbols of the Eleusinian Mysteries and is intimately ident…

General - 25.11.21

The first fruits

Famine was a constant threat hanging over the leads of ancient agricultural communities. Lousy weath…

General - 18.11.21

The Great Light

Entering the Telesterion was a stunning moment for the initiates. After all these weeks of preparati…

General - 11.11.21

The mirthless rock (agelastos petra)

The quest of Demeter for her daughter lasted for days. It was exhausting and pointless. Nobody seeme…
