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my eleusis
Educational Activities



myEleusis.SG - Playing with the Mysteries

The myEleusis research project aims to introduce a wide audience to the Eleusinian Mysteries. A lot of effort goes into reaching people who do not normally visit an archeological site or are not aware of the archaeological wealth of Eleusis and the myths associated with Demeter and Persephone. In this context, the Institute for Language and Speech Processing (IEL) of the “Athena” Research Center is responsible for developing the educational application myEleusis.SG.

The application is based on virtual reality serious games. Unlike simple games, which are intended for entertainment, serious games (SG) are used to promote training and learning. Serious gaming is used in various areas such as the military, education, healthcare, heritage, tourism industry etc. with positive results and rave reviews.

It is an effective approach to the transfer of knowledge by combining different sectors and fields, such as cultural heritage and education. Utilizing modern imaging media and technologies, SGs enhance user experience and maximize attention and participation, which are important mechanisms for achieving the ultimate goal, namely learning.


The Serious Games that we will develop for myEleusis rely on established gaming techniques and use game mechanisms (points, levels, ranking, scoreboards) to push users to interact with the gaming environment and win rewards.

The gaming techniques we will apply in myEleusis.SG will introduce the archaeological museum and site of Eleusis to a new group of potential visitors with the help of a pleasant, creative, and entertaining environment.
