myEleusis Loading
my eleusis
my eleusis
Virtual Museum



Taking a peek at the virtual museum

The virtual museum myEleusis.VM, which is being implemented within myEleusis project, includes the exhibits of the archaeological Museum of Eleusis in 3D digitized form. 

myEleusis.VM utilizes text and multimedia content for the scientific documentation of the exhibits. Within the subsystem, multiple users/exhibitors can create hundreds of exhibitions utilizing the existing digitized collection of the museum and other external multimedia resources. The virtual museum of myEleusis is based on cross-platform technologies in order to be able to run in various operating systems and to enable its provision as an online service.

The subsystem is dynamic and it is reinforced with functions that enable the user/exhibitor to create new virtual exhibitions through Linked Data technologies. Experimenting with virtual exhibits can create new narratives and stories by essentially utilizing existing museum collections in novel ways, thus highlighting its different aspects.

The images are snapshots from myEleusis.VM.

The first image shows the interface in which the user will be introduced while browsing a virtual exhibition. The second image is a snapshot of the subsystem the moment an exhibitor enters and adjusts new exhibits.

The virtual museum is currently in a testing and internal evaluation phase, according to the instructions provided by the specialized scientific teams working on the project. User groups of different ages are also implementing external evaluation tests to further provide feedback and improvements.


Researched and written by: "Athena" Research Center

Edited by: MENTOR
