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my eleusis


General - 17.02.22

The Kallichoron well

The Kallichoron well is one of the oldest landmarks of Eleusis. According to the Homeric Hymn to Dem…

General - 10.02.22

Garlic festival

The Greek historian Plutarch revealed that the Athenians celebrated three annual sacred ploughings. …

General - 03.02.22

Alcibiades and the Mysteries

In 415 BCE, Alcibiades, son of Cleinias, was at the height of his power and influence. An extraordin…

General - 27.01.22

The acropolis of Eleusis

The oldest confirmed settlement of Eleusis was founded around 2000 BCE on the top of the hill, which…

General - 20.01.22

The Sanctuary of Aphrodite

The sanctuary of Aphrodite in the district known as Aphaia Skaramangas is, without a doubt, one of t…
