Persephone, blessed daughter
of great Zeus, sole offspring
of Demeter, come and accept
this gracious sacrifice.
Much-honored spouse of Plouton,
discreet and life-giving,
you command the gates of Hades
in the bowels of the earth,
Lovely-tressed Praxidike,
pure bloom of Deo,
mother of the Erinyes,
queen of the nether world,
secretly sired by Zeus
in clandestine union.
Mother of loud-roaring,
many-shaped Eubouleus,
radiant and luminous,
playmate of the Seasons,
revered and almighty,
maiden rich in fruits,
brilliant and horned,
only-beloved of mortals,
in spring you take your joy
in the meadow of breezes,
you show your holy figure
in branches teeming with grass-green fruits,
in autumn you were made
a kidnapper's bride.
You alone are life and death
to toiling mortals,
O Persephone, you nourish all,
always, and kill them too.
Hearken, O blessed goddess,
send forth the fruits of the earth
as you blossom in peace,
and in gentle-handed health
bring a blessed life
and a splendid old age to him who is sailing
to your realm, O queen,
and to mighty Plouton’s kingdom.