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my eleusis

The Orphic Hymn to Pluto

You dwell below the earth, 

O strong-spirited one, 

a meadow in Tartaros, 

Thick-shaded and dark. 

Sceptered Chthonic Zeus, 

please accept this sacrifice, 

O Plouton, holder of the keys

to the whole earth. 

To mankind you give

the wealth of the year’s fruits, 

yours is the third portion, 

earth, queen of all, 

seat of the gods, 

mighty lap of mortals. 

Your throne rests 

on a dark realm, 

the real…

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The Orphic Hymn to Pluto

You dwell below the earth, 

O strong-spirited one, 

a meadow in Tartaros, 

Thick-shaded and dark. 

Sceptered Chthonic Zeus, 

please accept this sacrifice, 

O Plouton, holder of the keys

to the whole earth. 

To mankind you give

the wealth of the year’s fruits, 

yours is the third portion, 

earth, queen of all, 

seat of the gods, 

mighty lap of mortals. 

Your throne rests 

on a dark realm, 

the realm of distant, of untiring, 

of windless, and of impassive Hades;

it does rest on gloomy Acheron,

the river who girds the roots of the earth. 

All-receiver, master of death, 

master of mortals, host of many, 

Euboulos, you once took as your bride

pure Demeter’s daughter:

you tore her away from the meadow,

and through the sea

you carried her to an Attic cave

upon your steeds-

it was the district of Eleusis, 

where the gates to Hades are. 

You alone were born to judge

deeds obscure and conspicuous. 

Holiest and illustrious ruler of all, 

frenzied god, 

you delight in the respect 

and in the reverence of your worshippers. 

I summon you, come with favor, 

come with joy to the initiates. 
