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my eleusis
my eleusis

The Universal Impact of the Eleusinian Mysteries

  • Paved courtyard (plan)
  • Marble figure of a pregnant sow, the plinth inscribed with a dedication to Kore (Persephone) by Plat…
  • Circular bronze mirror with incised decoration: Demeter embraces Persephone on her return from the u…
  • Sculptured marble panel dedicated by women officials of a cult, probably of Demeter. The dedications…
  • Sard ring stone. Demeter on a chariot drawn by two elephants.
  • Deposit of plemochoai (kernoi) buried under the Late Roman fortification wall
  • Pomegranate
  • Coin commemorating Emperor Gallienus's initiation into the Eleusinian Mysteries
  • Pinax of Persephone and Hades on the throne
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Findings such as ceramics, structural and architectural parts, architectural drawings and photographs of the excavations and the archaeological material that was uncovered View Category
Visual representations or creations related to Eleusis, including paintings, sculptures, engravings and other forms of artistic expression from various periods, from antiquity to the 20th century View Category